Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Books Related to France

Rick Steves' France 2010: A travel guide to France, discusses in detail what to do and where to go in France.

Steves, Rick, and Steve Smith. Rick Steves' France 2010. Berkeley, CA: Avalon Travel, 2009. 

Eyewitness Travel: Paris: A travel guide to more specifically Paris. Includes a survival guide.

Tillier, Alan. Paris. London: DK Pub., 2011. Print.

Frommer's France 2007: While talking about France in 2007, this book has ideas and guides that are still relevant today.

Porter, Darwin, and Danforth Prince. France 2007. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007. Print.

ISO 9000

. Designed to ensure that organizations meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders.
. Standards are published by ISO, the International Organization for Standardization


. Create a more efficient, effective operation
. Increase customer satisfaction and retention
. Reduce audits
. Enhance marketing


. Amount of money, time, and paperwork required for registration
. ISO 9000 is not any indication that products produced using its certification are any good
. Most US consumers are not aware of ISO 9000 and it holds no relevance to them
. Prone to failure if a company is concerned with certification over quality

France Powerpoint

File Download

Monetary Conversion/ Currency Info

France switched from the Franc (pictured above) to the Euro (pictured at top) as of 2002.

Converting U.S. currency to Euros:
$1 in U.S. $(dollars) = about 0.70 Euros.

How to Obtain/ Apply for a Passport

1. Complete Form DS-11: Application for a U.S. Passport

2. Submit Form DS -11: Application for a U.S. Passport in person

3. Submit evidence of U.S. citizenship

4. Present Identification

5. Submit a photocopy of the identification document(s) previously presented

6. Pay the applicable fee

7. Provide one passport photo